Tuesday, August 9, 2011


graduate this course so that I will have the knowledge and skill required to enter the constuction industry, be able to employ safe working practices appropriate to the construction sector, and be competent in a wide range of carpentry theory knowledge, and elementary construction skills.


1 That students will gain skill and knowledge that are directly relevant to the contruction industry.
2 That students will demonstrate knowledge and skills to standards recognised by the industry sector.
3 That students will develop work habits and practice approvement


All students will receive an individual transcript showing there results for all programmes units. Students successfully completing this pre-employment programme shall be awarded the certificate in carpentry (Pre-Trade). unit standards gain will be formally advised to NZQA for addition to individual students record of learning. 


The local programe provides students with the theoretical and basic practical skills appropriate for entreing employment in the constuction industry. A certificate in carpentry (Pre-Trade) is awarded to the student who have competence in a wide range of knowledge and skill appropriate to work in construction trades. This pre employment programme will take one year of full time study to complete. Students completing this programme of study will be credited with the theory units


Saw Stool

Oil Stone Box